The Obstacle is the Way

Hi chogyi1980

This week, we're going light on the reading recommendations to give you a chance to catch up.  (If you've actually been keeping up, 200 Bonus XP for you!)

No articles, just one leader profile and an incredible book!

Get Inspired: Walt Disney

This week's featured leader is Walt Disney, the co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, one of the most influential motion picture production companies in the world. Find out more about his life, learn from his leadership success and get motivated with some of his notable quotes. Check out the profile on our website.


For a handy compilation of this profile and 9 other great leaders, get our eBook Leadership Profiles Vol. 2 for only US$2.99!

Power-Up: Read This Book!

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday

On Monday, we talked about facing trials. Ryan Holiday's book is the perfect antidote when you're facing seemingly insurmountable odds.

The Obstacle is the Way draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Stoics focus on the things they can control, let go of everything else, and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger, tougher. As Marcus Aurelius put it nearly 2000 years ago: "The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way."

Ryan Holiday shows us how some of the most successful people in history—from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs—have applied stoicism to overcome difficult or even impossible situations. Their embrace of these principles ultimately mattered more than their natural intelligence, talents, or luck.

Talk again next week!

To your success,

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