New Webinar: Reimagining Telco Retail – Merging Digital and Physical Engagement

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Telco stores are pervasive across the retail landscape and the role of their physical locations are constantly evolving -- especially with the onset of COVID-19. Physical retail locations have traditionally helped CSPs drive sales, enable connection with customers, and serve as a hub for customer support, but with the pandemic largely cutting off foot traffic, the necessity to think and act digitally has rapidly progressed.

In this webinar, join Salesforce experts Rob Garf, VP of Retail Strategy and Insights, and Rob Frederiksen, GTM Lead for Telco, to learn how CSPs can reimagine the retail experience and create long-lasting customer relationships by:
  • Effectively engaging and personalizing customer interactions
  • Enabling seamless shopping experiences across every touch point, whether physical, digital, or contact centre
  • Offering convenient, self-service and contactless engagement that benefits both employees and customers


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