Follow up- Business and IT decision makers list -SAP Ariba users

I am following up on the previous mail to know if you would be interested to acquire an installed base on SAP Ariba users.
Let me know if you would like to review a sample file along with counts and pricing.
Rachel Bower
You need detailed technology intelligence on what products your accounts or prospective buyers have installed and what they spend on those products to make informed data-driven decisions.
As a technographic compiler, we track over 10,000 plus software and hardware applications with all essential data fields through which you can send marketing campaigns.
Would you be interested to review our data sample of SAP Ariba Users? Please let me know if I can request data samples from our data intelligence team.
Please email back so we can get on a call to discuss your buyer persona on your next data requirements.
Rachel Bower
Business Development Manager
Email Marketing USA, Inc

Rachel Bower

7536 Constitution Ave. , Eden Prairie, MN

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