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Value Stream Management for CIOs: Optimizing the Digital Experience Tuesday, June 21st at 11am ET
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Value Stream Management for CIOs: Optimizing the Digital Experience June 21st at 11am ET | | |
Despite increased investment and adoption of emerging technologies, many CIOs are struggling to measure the effectiveness of their product delivery organization across an increasingly complex array of tools and distributed workflows. Lacking leading indicators into performance improvements, they instead rely on proxy metrics like ticket analysis to drive improvement initiatives. Value Stream Management (VSM) provides the mechanism to rationalize data from a digital universe constantly in flux and improve the decision-making across all levels of an organization. Join Tasktop CEO, Dr. Mik Kersten and guest speaker, Forrester Principal Analyst, Bobby Cameron, for a webinar on Tuesday, June 21st at 11am ET discussing: - The transformation journey of the enterprise and how to advance from traditional to modern to future-fit
- The need to transition to a product value stream approach to reveal system constraints, avoid local optimization, and increase efficiency
- How business and technology leaders are leveraging value stream management to optimize value flow and secure their company's future
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| Dr. Mik Kersten Founder & CEO, Tasktop | | Bobby Cameron VP & Principal Analyst, Forrester (Guest Speaker) | | | | | |
Tasktop Technologies, Inc. 1100-1500 W. Georgia St. Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z6 Canada +1 (778) 588-6896 Copyright © 2007-2022. All rights reserved.
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